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TryHackMe - Inclusion Writeup

Link : https://tryhackme.com/room/inclusion Enumeration First, let’s do an enumeration with the IP address of this machine. I’m gonna run Nmap [Netwok Mapper] to scan any open ports. I’m gonna run this command 1 nmap -sC -sV -oN nmap/initial <machine ip> Explaining the nmap scan: -sC := scan using nmap default script -sV := scan for version -oN := output in normal format So, the Nmap scan result came back. It looks like this machine has HTTP server.

TryHackMe - Lazy Admin Writeup

Link : https://tryhackme.com/room/lazyadmin Enumeration First, let’s do an enumeration with the IP address of this machine. I’m gonna run Nmap [Netwok Mapper] to scan any open ports. I’m gonna run this command 1 nmap -sC -sV -oN nmap/initial <machine ip> Explaining the nmap scan: -sC := scan using nmap default script -sV := scan for version -oN := output in normal format We can see this machine has 2 ports open.

TryHackMe - Pickle Rick Writeup

Link : https://tryhackme.com/room/picklerick Enumeration First, let’s do an enumeration with the IP address of this machine. I’m gonna run Nmap [Netwok Mapper] to scan any open ports. I’m gonna run this command 1 nmap -sC -sV -oN nmap/initial <machine ip> Explaining the nmap scan: -sC := scan using nmap default script -sV := scan for version -oN := output in normal format Nmap scan shows us. There are 2 ports open ssh and HTTP.

TryHackMe - Vulnversity Writeup

Link : https://tryhackme.com/room/vulnversity Enumeration First we need to do reconnaissance by using nmap (Network Mapper) to find open ports and to understand the machine. I’m gonna run this command: 1 nmap -sC -sV -O -oN nmap/initial <machine ip> Explaining the nmap scan: -sC := scan using nmap default script -sV := scan for version -O := scan for OS (operating system) -oN := output in normal format Now our nmap scan is done.