
HackTheBox - Guard Writeup

Box author | TRXTRX


  • Top 1000 ports scan
nmap -sC -sV -oN nmap/initial
  • the result

nmap initial scan

  • scan all ports
nmap -sC -sV -p- -oN nmap/all_ports
  • the result

nmap allports scan

Open Ports

  • Well, both nmap scan result shows SSH port just open

Foothold/Gaining Access


  • Let’s try SSH into the machine using the private key we’ve got from the previous box markup.

ssh as daniel

  • It works


  • Well, I’m login as daniel and I found the user flag already.
  • However, it’s odd. When I try to read the content of the file
  • It doesn’t have any output.

daniel user in rbash

User Flag

  • I’m gonna try bypass it using ed
  • the result

bypass rbash using ed

  • Finally, I can read the user.txt file
  • That’s means we successfully bypass the rBash

Privilege Escalation


  • Now, let’s start enumeration inside this box.

  • These are some of the commands I run for manual enumeration.

  • Source

  • I try looking at the backup file with the .bak extension

find / -iname '*.bak' -exec ls -l {} \; 2>/dev/null

found backup files

  • We’ve found couples backup files but I can’t read them.
  • Let’s try another approach.
locate backup

found /var/backups/shadow

  • Well, I’ve found this.
  • Let’s try read /var/backups/shadow file
  • the result

get the root hash

  • Nice. We’ve got hashes. Let’s try to crack it



Hashcat is a password recovery tool.
Examples of hashcat-supported hashing algorithms are LM hashes, MD4, MD5, SHA-family, and Unix Crypt formats as well as algorithms used in MySQL and Cisco PIX.

  • Now, I’m gonna copy and paste the root hash into a file called root
  • Here is the link to hashcat example hashes
  • I’m gonna run this command and use rockyou.txt as a wordlist
hashcat -m 1800 root /opt/rockyou.txt

crack root password

Note: I’ve already run it that’s why I’m using --show at the end


  • Let’s change our user into the root by using this command su
  • when it’s prompt for the password. Just insert the password we crack earlier

change user to root

Root Flag

  • Let’s get the final flag
  • Nice

root flag


I’ve learned a lot today. What is the rBash and how to bypass it. The most important thing is how you store your data or backup. If you do not properly store it or not configure the permission carefully. This thing might gonna happen. Once again, don’t use the same password.

I have a fun time doing this machine and I hope you guys do too. Bye ;)