
HackTheBox - Included Writeup

Box author | TRXTRX


  • scan top 1000 ports
nmap -sC -sV -oN nmap/initial
  • the result

nmap initial scan

  • scan all ports
nmap -sC -sV -p- -oN nmap/all_ports
  • the result

nmap allports scan

Open Ports

  • Well, both the Nmap result shows only port 80 just open
  • That’s mean this server have a website

Local File Inclusion [LFI]

  • Based on the Nmap scan result, This server has a website
  • Let’s take a look

webpage has file parameter

  • When I saw this string that had file as parameter
  • I’m always thinking Local File Inclusion [LFI]
    • Let’s try it with this string:
  • the result

lfi read /etc/passwd

  • We can try to get Remote Code Execution [RCE] through log poisoning
    • Well, we can’t
    • Let’s try to enumerate again

Quick Note: I’ve already found the website is vuln to Local File Inclusion [LFI].

However, I can’t find anything. To be honest, I took a peek of the writeup. There is no shamed of and I’m still learning. So, Here we go.

UDP Scan

nmap -sU -oN nmap/UDP_scan
  • I’m gonna run the nmap scan once again with -sU flag for UDP scan
  • the result

nmap udp scan

Trivial File Transfer Protocol [TFTP]

Trivial File Transfer Protocol is a simple lockstep File Transfer Protocol which allows a client to get a file from or put a file onto a remote host.

Put File

  • Now, we’ve already know the website can do directory traversal.
  • Let’s put the simple Hello,World file in TFTP

put file in tftp

  • Let's hit that file using LFI
  • But where is the location of that file?
    • according this link It’s locate /var/lib/tftpboot
  • Let’s try it out

read file in tftp

  • It Work!

Foothold/Gaining Access

  • Let’s try get the reverse shell
  • So, I’m gonna put the php reverse shell into TFTP

put php reverse shell in tftp

  • Start the listener and execute it

shell as www-data

  • I’M IN!

User Flag

  • Let’s try login as Mike with a password from the previous box
  • Success

user flag


  • Now, we’ve got Mike’s password.
  • So, I’m gonna check Mike’s sudo capabilities by run this command sudo -l
# Well, that's unfortunate
mike@included:~$ sudo -l
[sudo] password for mike: 
Sorry, user mike may not run sudo on included.
  • Let’s check out his group, etc with id command
mike@included:~$ id
uid=1000(mike) gid=1000(mike) groups=1000(mike),108(lxd)

Privilege Escalation


  • Let’s try it.
  • First, I’m gonna git clone the lxd-alpine-builder
  • Then, run the build-alpine command.

building alpine

  • After it’s done building.
  • The tar file will be created in our directory.
  • Now, we need to download the tar file from our victim machine.

transfer alpine

  • This next bit gonna be complicated.
  • So, if you wanna follow along. Please do

becoming root


Root Flag

root flag


I’ve learned a lot today. First, make sure to do recon properly and make sure to scan everything TCP/UDP/everything. Then, configure the webpage properly. Most of the time the webpage is the easier/first thing they(hacker) look at. Once again, don’t use the same password.

I have a fun time doing this machine and I hope you guys do too. Bye ;)