First, let’s do an enumeration with the IP address of this machine. I’m gonna run Nmap [Netwok Mapper] to scan any open ports. I’m gonna run this command
nmap -sC -sV -oN nmap/initial
Explaining the nmap scan:
- -sC := scan using nmap default script
- -sV := scan for version
- -oN := output in normal format
The Nmap scan shows us port 21 is FTP
and can log in as anonymous
. However, I can’t find anything useful in there but the version of FTP looks vulnerable. I’ll try to exploit it again I failed. Turns out that particular version is already patch
. So, yup.
Foothold/Gaining Access
Also, we can see this machine has samba 3.0.20
maybe it’s useful for us.
So, I’m searching smb exploit for this specific version samba 3.0.20 on the internet and I found this exploit.
This exploit is available on metasploit
. I’m gonna run my msfconsole . I’m gonna search this exploit and use it.
After that, I’m gonna set the important thing lhost
and rhost
. Then, I’m gonna run the exploit.
WOW! I’M A ROOT USER. Unbelievable! Anyways let’s hunt the user and root flag
User flag
Root flag
I’ve learned a lot today. First, please don’t allow FTP login as anonymous. Second, please update the system. In this case, I’m able to exploit the samba 3.0.20
and become root. That’s scary.
I have a fun time doing this machine and I hope you guys too. Bye ;)