
First, let’s do an enumeration with the IP address of this machine. I’m gonna run Nmap [Netwok Mapper] to scan any open ports. I’m gonna run this command

nmap -sC -sV -oN nmap/initial

Explaining the nmap scan:

  • -sC := scan using nmap default script
  • -sV := scan for version
  • -oN := output in normal format

The result:

nmap initial scan

Again, using Nmap for scanning all ports but nothing new comes up.

Anyway, the Nmap scan result shows us this is a Windows XP machine. Also, have smb on it. When I saw smb on Windows XP that’s will be an EternalBlue exploit but I’m gonna run the Nmap smb-vuln script anyway.

nmap --script smb-vuln* -p139,445 -oN nmap/vuln_scan 

The result:

NSE check smb vulnerability

WOW! we’ve got the result back. The result shows us this machine vulnerable to RCE and Eternalblue attacks.

Foothold/Gaining Access

So, I’m gonna use metasploit and seach ms08-067 and use it.

use ms08-067 exploit

Before we can use it. We need to set up the module first. So, I’m gonna set the RHOSTS into this machine ip address which is Then, I’m gonna set the LHOST into tun0 which is my HTB ip address is.

default metasploit option before

modify metasploit option after

After that just type run.

get the shell


The first thing we gonna check is whoami. So, I’m gonna use the getuid command

shell as nt authority\\system


Now, let’s hunt for the user & admin flag.

User flag

user flag

Root/Admin flag

root flag


I’ve learned a lot today. Always, update your system. We can see this machine so vulnerable even the Nmap scan shows us there are 2 “holes” in it. That “hole” needs to fix/update ASAP.

I have a fun time doing this machine and I hope you guys too. Bye ;)